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Input Search

Input Search is a component that allows users to enter keywords and receive matching search results.

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npm install @washingtonpost/wpds-ui-kit
import { InputSearch } from "@washingtonpost/wpds-ui-kit"
Storybook:  View on Storybook
Source:  View on Github
Primitive:  View their docs


Note: Image not to scale

  1. Label/Placeholder
  2. Input
  3. Clear button
  4. Search button
  5. Value
  6. Divider
  7. Result
  8. Result container



Determine whether the result container should be rendered as part of the search component and occupy space, or act more like a popover with a positional relationship.


The search component supports a default group label that includes an optional icon. This feature can be utilized to help organize content and support multiple result groups. By default, the component returns results as a single list of items. The order in which they are returned depends on how the data is sorted prior to being passed.

Open on focus

Setting 'open on focus' to false will prevent the result container from appearing when there is no value in the input, or the value has not changed.



Determines if the value is the input changes or not as the user navigates with the keyboard. If true, the value changes. If false, the value doesn't change.



When a user has made a selection, the results container will collapse when the portal is set to false or disappear when the portal is set to true.


The results container has a default max-height of 300px and when there are more results it will overflow with a default scrollbar.

Input with value

When the input has a text value, a clear button will appear to allow the user to easily clear the input value and set it to an empty value.

Loading results

When results are being loaded a default behavior of a loading state will be shown.

Empty: No Results

When there are no matching results the default behavior is to show them empty no result state.

Matching results

When a result is matched to the keyword the font weight will be light to the matching keys and the rest of the characters as bold.

Results :Hover

When a result is hovered with a mouse it will change background color $faint.


Results can be more than text

Results can be more than just a list of text. Depending on how you handle matching results, there could be space for recirculation, a different hierarchy in how results are displayed, and a more intuitive and visual discovery process.

When to use icons

Results can be overwhelming depending on the query. To differentiate between different types of results, use icons to help users wayfind and scan the results.

Helpful filtering

Helpful filtering can help folks get to their results faster without having to type in the correct keywords. Some ideas can include inputs like switches, and tabs.

Mobile best practices

There might be instances where a dedicated search view might be more appropriate. Utilizing the pattern of our drawer can be an effective way to do this.

Pre-populated results

Pre-populate the dropdown when the search is in focus, letting users quickly scan and refine their choice before even searching.


Color contrast

All colors in the default combobox have been reviewed to ensure they meet the AA WCAG contrast requirement of at least 4.5:1 for normal text and 3:1 for large text.

Keyboard controls

Users can navigate search results using arrow keys on their keyboard and select a result by pressing the return key. This feature streamlines the search experience, reduces search time, and improves accessibility.

API Reference


disabledWhether the input field should be disabled or not
false False
asWPDS provides an as prop for changing which tag a component outputs.
aria-labelDefines a string value that labels the current element. @see Docs
aria-labelledbyIdentifies the element (or elements) that labels the current element. @see Docs
children@see Docs
ReactNode | ((props: ComboboxContextValue) => ReactNode)
onSelectCalled with the selection value when the user makes a selection from the list. @see Docs
(value: string) => void
openOnFocusIf true, the popover opens when focus is on the text box. @see Docs
boolean | "false" | ({ "@sm"?: boolean | "false"; "@md"?: boolean | "false"; "@lg"?: boolean | "false"; "@xl"?: boolean | "false"; "@xxl"?: boolean | "false"; "@notSm"?: boolean | "false"; "@notMd"?: boolean | "false"; ... 17 more ...; "@initial"?: boolean | "false"; } & { ...; })
cssWPDS provides a css prop for overriding styles easily. It’s like the style attribute, but it supports tokens, media queries, nesting and token-aware values. All WPDS Components include a css prop. Use it to pass in overrides.
CSS<{ sm: `(max-width: ${string})`; md: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; lg: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xxl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; notS...


iconThe position of the icon in the input
"left" | "right" | "none"
none False
errorIndicates there is an error
successindicates there is a success
disabledThe underlying input element disabled attribute
labelThe input's label text, required for accessibility
Search False
asWPDS provides an as prop for changing which tag a component outputs.
defaultValueThe initial input element value for uncontrolled components
(string | number | readonly string[]) & string
idThe id for the underlying input element. Required for accessibility
placeholderplaceholder text
childrenUsed to insert Icons in the input, only a single child is accepted
onFocusCallback executed when the input fires a focus event
onBlurCallback executed when the input fires a blur event
onChangeCallback executed when the input fires a change event
ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> & ((event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void)
cssWPDS provides a css prop for overriding styles easily. It’s like the style attribute, but it supports tokens, media queries, nesting and token-aware values. All WPDS Components include a css prop. Use it to pass in overrides.
{} & { alignContent?: AlignContent | ScaleValue | Globals | Index; alignItems?: AlignItems | ScaleValue | Globals | Index; ... 425 more ...; vectorEffect?: VectorEffect | ... 2 more ... | Index; } & {} & {} & { ...; }
requiredThe input elements required attribute
nameThe name for the underlying input element
typeSupported input element types
HTMLInputTypeAttribute & ("text" | "search" | "tel" | "url" | "email" | "password")
text False
valueThe input element value for controlled components @see Docs
selectOnClickIf true, when the user clicks inside the text box the current value will be selected. Use this if the user is likely to delete all the text anyway (like the URL bar in browsers). However, if the user is likely to want to tweak the value, leave this false, like a google search--the user is likely wanting to edit their search, not replace it completely. @see Docs
autocompleteDetermines if the value in the input changes or not as the user navigates with the keyboard. If true, the value changes, if false the value doesn't change. Set this to false when you don't really need the value from the input but want to populate some other state (like the recipient selector in Gmail). But if your input is more like a normal `<input type="text"/>`, then leave the `true` default. @see Docs
buttonIconTextAccessible text for button icon, required for right icons
buttonIconTypeExplicit button icon typing for use in forms
"button" | "reset" | "submit"
errorMessageText displayed below the input to describe the cause of the error
helperTextText displayed below the input to provide additional context
onButtonIconClickCallback executed when the button icon on the right is click to perform an action
(event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent>) => void


hiddenRender the popover markup, but hide it – used by MenuButton so that it can have an `aria-controls` attribute even when its menu isn't open, and used inside `Popover` as a hint that we can tell `useRect` to stop observing for better performance.
portalIf you pass `<ComboboxPopover portal={false} />` the popover will not render inside of a portal, but in the same order as the React tree. This is mostly useful for styling the entire component together, like the pink focus outline in the example earlier in this page. @see Docs
true False
asWPDS provides an as prop for changing which tag a component outputs.
boolean | "true" | ({ "@sm"?: boolean | "true"; "@md"?: boolean | "true"; "@lg"?: boolean | "true"; "@xl"?: boolean | "true"; "@xxl"?: boolean | "true"; "@notSm"?: boolean | "true"; "@notMd"?: boolean | "true"; ... 17 more ...; "@initial"?: boolean | "true"; } & { ...; })
cssWPDS provides a css prop for overriding styles easily. It’s like the style attribute, but it supports tokens, media queries, nesting and token-aware values. All WPDS Components include a css prop. Use it to pass in overrides.
CSS<{ sm: `(max-width: ${string})`; md: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; lg: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xxl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; notS...


asWPDS provides an as prop for changing which tag a component outputs.
persistSelectionDefaults to false. When true and the list is opened, if an option's value matches the value in the input, it will automatically be highlighted and be the starting point for any keyboard navigation of the list. This allows you to treat a Combobox more like a `<select>` than an `<input/>`, but be mindful that the user is still able to put any arbitrary value into the input, so if the only valid values for the input are from the list, your app will need to do that validation on blur or submit of the form. @see Docs
cssWPDS provides a css prop for overriding styles easily. It’s like the style attribute, but it supports tokens, media queries, nesting and token-aware values. All WPDS Components include a css prop. Use it to pass in overrides.
CSS<{ sm: `(max-width: ${string})`; md: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; lg: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xxl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; notS...


asWPDS provides an as prop for changing which tag a component outputs.
childrenOptional. If omitted, the `value` will be used as the children like as: `<ComboboxOption value="Seattle, Tacoma, Washington" />`. But if you need to control a bit more, you can put whatever children you want, but make sure to render a `ComboboxOptionText` as well, so the value is still displayed with the text highlighting on the matched portions. @example <ComboboxOption value="Apple" /> 🍎 <ComboboxOptionText /> </ComboboxOption> @see Docs
ReactNode | ((props: ComboboxOptionContextValue) => ReactNode)
cssWPDS provides a css prop for overriding styles easily. It’s like the style attribute, but it supports tokens, media queries, nesting and token-aware values. All WPDS Components include a css prop. Use it to pass in overrides.
CSS<{ sm: `(max-width: ${string})`; md: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; lg: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xxl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; notS...
valueThe value to match against when suggesting. @see Docs


cssWPDS provides a css prop for overriding styles easily. It’s like the style attribute, but it supports tokens, media queries, nesting and token-aware values. All WPDS Components include a css prop. Use it to pass in overrides.
CSS<{ sm: `(max-width: ${string})`; md: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; lg: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; xxl: `(min-width: calc(${string} + 1px)) and (max-width: ${string})`; notS...


childrenAny React node may be used as a child
cssWPDS provides a css prop for overriding styles easily. It’s like the style attribute, but it supports tokens, media queries, nesting and token-aware values. All WPDS Components include a css prop. Use it to pass in overrides.


cssWPDS provides a css prop for overriding styles easily. It’s like the style attribute, but it supports tokens, media queries, nesting and token-aware values. All WPDS Components include a css prop. Use it to pass in overrides.
textText Displayed
No results found False


cssWPDS provides a css prop for overriding styles easily. It’s like the style attribute, but it supports tokens, media queries, nesting and token-aware values. All WPDS Components include a css prop. Use it to pass in overrides.
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